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My analysis

Polarbeard September 10, 2023 2:26 pm

Akira was friends with the professors wife who was also the Prof. student. The wife died on a stormy day and now Akira hates storms. The Prof. 'tried' to "heal" Akira (they did NOT sleep together), so that he would move on because although Akira is no longer his student, he still comes to the lab as his assistant because he feels guilty and thinks the wife's death happened as a result of him not wanting to attend the orchestra concert.

Although Akira was bereaved at the death of his friend and feeling guilty about her passing, he was not so traumatized that he made a pass at her husband (I applaud him for that). Akira was confused about why he refused to sleep with the Prof. at the that time yet he did not refuse Yusanao, and although he realizes that the way in which those situations came up was different, he does not relate it to the lack of romantic affection he has towards the Prof. vs. the slowly blossoming affection he has towards Yusanao.

Taking all of that into account I do not believe he was in love with the professor but he did feel responsible for his wife's death and he wanted to do (almost) anything to pay the professor back.
