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Thank you very much for one of the most wonderful manhwas I've ever read

Kirgya September 9, 2023 1:28 am

And so it ends. Thank you very much for all the people involved in this manhwa from the author to the translators, thank you for all your hard work. I loved how they really incorporated real life events as well as morals and how well they really portrayed how human emotions work and not just some cringey or overused scenes. I also loved how they progressed through the story as well as the character developments and the fact that not everyone or everything is a happy ending but as long as one is fulfilled and doesn't have regrets they will still consider it as one (You will forever be loved, remembered and missed Lady Rebecca ╥﹏╥). All in all this is a great and refreshing manhwa that I'm very thankful that I have read.

Congrats for all of us for completing the journey along with sir Paul and Lucius on their life. Their story will always be a part of us...
