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Cool that it's a happy ending, but I honestly would've wanted to see Woojin's perspective....

Nikkidiary September 8, 2023 6:12 am

Cool that it's a happy ending, but I honestly would've wanted to see Woojin's perspective.
Like maybe an extra, detailing their past, his feelings, his thoughts... and it would be nice to see a resolution between them, like him either accepting Hiro, or choosing to begrudgingly have a truce, or even him simply quitting and living a life separate from Ji-ho (it may sound petty, but Woojin is already pretty petty. I don't think he'd let go so easily, though, considering how much he values those several years of being together.) Ah well. At least the main couple's happy, is what the author seems to indicate. Unless there's an unknown extra or something somewhere or in the works...
