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This is truly a work of art

Gemmmmm September 8, 2023 5:37 am

The symbolism in this story is immaculate. Especially the banker... The anemone flowers that Mikhail throws on Ilyas casket have such a deep meaning behind them. According to legend, the anemone flower symbolizes terrible luck in love and represents a new beginning. Anyone who carries this flower is believed to have been deserted by their loved ones due to death. But another belief holds that anemone provides new hope because it blooms in the spring and floats in the air.

For those interested, this story stems from the greek legend of Venus and Adonis. Various iterations of the myth see Adonis dying in the arms of Venus after being attacked by a wild boar. In a bid to save him, she seals his wounds with nectar, but she is too late, and his soul departs to the underworld.

In a fit of grief and rage, she turns her back on love and curses it, the domain over which she reigns. Anemone flowers are believed to have sprouted from the drops of her lover’s blood that spilled to the ground.

Another version of the myth says the flowers burgeoned from her tears. The powerful act of Venus abandoning love and ridding the world of love when her beloved no longer exists is a symbol of doomed and forsaken love. The anemone flower symbolizes a love that refuses to be forgotten.
