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my thoughts so far (May contain little spoilers)

Giupazz September 7, 2023 9:27 pm

Hii! I've read all the chapters available in a day and I wanted to leave my thoughts on this manhwa so far.
The art is really pretty and I love the details in the coloring. the only that throws me off is the fact that the ML (male lead) is a really muscular and big man, while the FL(female lead) is portrayed as a really petite woman. So whenever I see the two of them in the same panel (eg: when they hug each other or simply when one stands next to the other) it looks like a man and a little girl lol.
At first I didn't really like the MC, Maxi, because she was portraited as the usual extremely weak female lead because of her trauma (like most female leads in manhwa, overused plot) but I started to notice a change in her behaviour towards chapter 12, where she wants to be "useful" and be a good mistress. She starts to use her husband's library, stuying the currency of the kingdom and also takes up the responsability of decorating the palace.
I loved this small character development in wich she also realizes that her new life is different from her previous one. She notices that there are people who appreciate and love her and this also reassures her and gives a little confidence boost
