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Standing guard

Madeforbreaking September 5, 2023 9:08 pm

I’m here just to say that I will personally fist fight anyone who has anything negative to say about this one. It’s honestly so precious and so pure. It’s my go to fluff after some of the gnarly smut I read.

And just adding this, the dialogue is truly top tier.

    YaoiBangPD September 16, 2023 6:18 pm

    Well, now we're 2 who would fight to anyone who has anything negative about this sweet piece of art, it's so beautiful and I loved it so much, there's no toxicity at all, if anyone has a problem with the age gap then they shouldn't have read it in the first place.

    Madeforbreaking September 16, 2023 6:54 pm

    My comrade