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Okay is it just me or…

Asdfghj September 5, 2023 5:50 am

Doesn’t this story seem like a parody to The beginning after the end? It’s obviously not the same but the characters all remind me of a fucked up versions of the characters in The beginning after the end.

    ✨RURU傑安 September 14, 2023 1:20 am

    Mushoku Tensei was published first (2012) and The Beginning After the End was published in 2018. They do have similar characters but they have different ways of story telling.

    Asdfghj September 14, 2023 3:19 am
    Mushoku Tensei was published first (2012) and The Beginning After the End was published in 2018. They do have similar characters but they have different ways of story telling. ✨RURU傑安

    I mean yes, both stories are different but I was only pointing out the similarities. Not saying they are the same or that one copied the other. It’s just funny lol