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RIP USA July 4th 1776 -November 8th 2016

kyra 23 November 9, 2016 4:43 am

Well...Trump just won Florida...doesn't look too good. I became a citizen of USA because I believe in democracy, freedom and opportunity. Trump wants to take that away.
Look's like I'm heading back to S. Africa. I still have family there.

    jimenaF November 9, 2016 4:47 am

    Rigth? Im italian and i cant get how could americans want that man as president.

    kyra 23 November 9, 2016 4:51 am
    Rigth? Im italian and i cant get how could americans want that man as president. jimenaF

    From my 6 years living in the USA, there are a lot of racist, bigoted people here. Trump is a racist, sexist guy so many people can relate to his morals (if you want to call it that). Then, a lot of people don't want to vote for woman...for some reason.

    jimenaF November 9, 2016 4:59 am
    From my 6 years living in the USA, there are a lot of racist, bigoted people here. Trump is a racist, sexist guy so many people can relate to his morals (if you want to call it that). Then, a lot of people don'... kyra 23

    So... In a few words, theyre idiots. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Babo November 9, 2016 5:03 am
    From my 6 years living in the USA, there are a lot of racist, bigoted people here. Trump is a racist, sexist guy so many people can relate to his morals (if you want to call it that). Then, a lot of people don'... kyra 23

    Not woman, they just don't want to vote for Clinton. Thats why this election comes down to who you hate less

    Anonymous November 9, 2016 5:27 am
    From my 6 years living in the USA, there are a lot of racist, bigoted people here. Trump is a racist, sexist guy so many people can relate to his morals (if you want to call it that). Then, a lot of people don'... kyra 23

    Trump has a big mouth, but that doesn't make him racist. Funny how he is only now getting called a racist (he has a lot of black friends). And no, not everyone who is voting for him agrees with his morals. And not everyone voting for him "don't want to vote for a woman" Unfortunately we have two truly horrid people running for president. As many of my friends have said "You don't have to like (whichever nominee), you just have to hate the other nominee more." Which is a truly sad state of affairs.
    For those of you who haven't been in the US long, some of us are rather jaded with the typical lying politicians. "If I don't fix the economy in 4 years, I won't run again". But when those 4 years are up, the reason he couldn't fix anything was because "Congress was against me." And that's just one example of the lies and the blaming that typical politicians do. Republicans and Democrats. So some of us would rather have a loud mouthed sexist pig in office rather than a typical lying career politician whether she is a woman or not. Personally I would love to see a woman president. But not that woman. Give me a female Lincoln, someone I can look up to and respect, and be proud that she is representing our country.
    And some of us truly don't believe Hillary is the saint the media tries to paint her out to be. Some of us truly believe she didn't even try to save our people that were under attack, whether someone could have gotten there in time or not is not as important as at least trying. Some of us truly believe that she's either a genius mastermind or a total incompetent. "I didn't know those emails were classified." So yeah, some of us would rather vote for Trump because we hate Hillary more. Believe me, I wish there were better choices.
    And as to the comment about there being a lot of racists and bigots here, you are right. But they aren't all white. (And they aren't all voting for Trump). Hate to break it to you, but anyone can be a racist or a bigot. And most people have a little of that in them. It's part of the human makeup. "They are different than me...that scares me." or "I'm jealous of what I perceive them to have, so I hate them." I like to think most of us use our rational thought to overcome this. But it doesn't mean it's not there. My dad used to make racist comments and jokes all the time. But you know what, he judged the people around him by their actions. He'd say you have good and bad in every race. And it's so true. Now you'd probably say "He's a racist" without ever giving him a chance. My dad would talk to you and tell you off-colored jokes before deciding which category you belong in. So don't judge someone by the color of their skin, or their sexual preference, or religion, or based off of who they choose to vote for. Instead, try talking to them. You might be surprised what you'll learn

    kyra 23 November 9, 2016 5:36 am
    Trump has a big mouth, but that doesn't make him racist. Funny how he is only now getting called a racist (he has a lot of black friends). And no, not everyone who is voting for him agrees with his morals. A... @Anonymous

    Just because someone has black friends doesn't mean they aren't racist. He said awful things about Hispanics. He's said awful things about women (he's sexist). I didn't say that all racist were white. The allies of US such as Britian, Japan, etc. don't want to be our allies. It's awful! Personally, I wanted Bernie Sanders but Clinton is the lessor of two evils.

    ╰☆╮D╰☆╮ November 9, 2016 6:59 am

    We're all fucked either way Im a Mixed race myself like no one in america is one race why would anyone want him as the future leader of america they don't think at all