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Until the very end we didn't get to see a more intimate Yuuri and Wolfram. The injustice!!...

✨RandomGYBastard✨ September 5, 2023 2:48 pm

Until the very end we didn't get to see a more intimate Yuuri and Wolfram. The injustice!!!

I heard that they had a way deeper relationship in the novel where they sleep together with no one disturbing them, eat every meal together, bathe together every day and Wolfram works at the office with Yuuri (because he asked him to). That Yuuri calls Wolfram his ‘most important person’ (words with very deep meaning in this series), and calls him his fiance as I've read from a user on another site.

Lines from the novel:
“If I was in trouble, and I was missing something important. And you had one that was exactly the same ….”
“I’d lend it to you, of course”
I thought about this, literally with my hands on his chest. In fact, with my hand, that was pressed against his chest, I could feel that the speed of my partner’s and my heartbeat was the same. Anyone would get blood rushing to their brains when they’re seriously thinking about something. When I could calm down a little, I let out a small sigh.
“Or rather, when it comes to things that I can give you, I would give you anything, Wolf. (…)”
