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I understand Minjun

larisa September 2, 2023 6:30 pm

I was in the same position as Minjun once, the most popular boy at school began to befriend me and like me and eventually date me and I was so surprised first that such popular handsome guy liked me and so insecure of myself that I doubted him and his intentions and I began to behave aloof with him so I wouldn't look too clingy and needy while in reality I wanted to never separate from him. Yeah exactly what happened to Minjun and Choi Jinhwan happened to me, we broke up immediately because he doubted if I really liked him because I had never told him and he didn't tell me in so much words neither, more like he demonstrated with actions but words matter, we need to hear them! anyway, after a horrible misunderstanding, the relationship imploded with hurt feelings and regrets and no opportunity for explanations. When you see the relationship from outside is very easy to say "oh they should just talk to each other!" but the insecurities, the pride, the ego, the low self esteem and the young age do not help at all.
