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I like this manga but really some parts are annoying. First off this feels like it should ...

nimnim juice September 1, 2023 3:04 pm

I like this manga but really some parts are annoying. First off this feels like it should be classified as romantic comedy yaoi/shounen ai, in my opinion. Our Mc has more of a slowly building relationship with the black haired prince than pink hair. Also she has no real use in the story .Honestly it feels as if she’s only there to build up facts about the black haired princes character.Second I’m annoyed that the black haired prince and pink haired girl and the marquis keep forcing him to do stuff.Third , the art does feel like it’s getting worse or at the very least less detailed.
Lastly,this isn’t an annoying thing but I wanted to mention:

Live,laugh,Love, Demi ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
