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plinky25 August 30, 2023 1:10 am

I KNEW IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. I was mainly suspicious when they did it and he was talking way too much, to where she wasn’t even able to hear his honest thoughts in his heart. But chapter 31 really put a whole twist and honestly ruined my image of him. Him thinking about the FL like “I love her, I love her appearance, strength...but I” WDYM BUT?? Then him looking at his sister and saying “I’ll make it work if it’s for your sake.” UGH. AINT NO WAY. From this, I’m convinced he’s actually in love with his sister. Idk if they’re biological siblings. What’s crazy is that there wasn’t any noticeable signs at all. Plus the way he would blush or be in awe when around the FL and would pursue her, I genuinely thought he liked her- but it feels like he was faking it. Or maybe he did have a crush, but obviously not enough to overpower his feelings for his sister.

Ngl it feels like we were led on by the 2nd lead to believe he was a truly good guy. Now I feel sick. We couldn’t even get a 2nd lead that has genuine feelings for the FL. Feel bad for the FL. Maybe I could just be paranoid but chapter 31 hints way too much about him having feelings for his sis. Hope the FL bails outta this.

    Tolly February 6, 2024 8:35 pm

    She doesn’t trust him either. She got to hear something in chapter 31 that she didn’t like