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Deschamps may be alive. I think he saw a little bit in the future that he had to jump anyw...

Pudding August 27, 2023 5:03 pm

Deschamps may be alive. I think he saw a little bit in the future that he had to jump anyways(how he saw the future don’t know probably when he got stabbed in the arm when he’s stigma was being absorbed) and mybe suprise everyone sometime that he was still alive but he had to be hidden for some plan he has in mind to catch Jermel. He was wearing his unifrom right so how can judith only find his uniform and not his body? I think he’s alive. I would understand Judith hiding her stigma. There might be some consequences after if she did uses it that or the author is creating drama and conflict. If Judith did use her stigma the story would have ended long ago and the story would have felt rush. It’s plot and character development guys….but seriously I really hope the ending isn’t rushed.

    Marpter October 23, 2023 3:16 am

    I think she can only use her Stigma if she dies. I wouldn't be willing to test that theory if I were her