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@Polarbeard I am pretty sure Manji turned his back on his family, not the other way around...

Shelly99 August 27, 2023 8:21 am

@Polarbeard I am pretty sure Manji turned his back on his family, not the other way around. In their eyes. As we saw in Chapter 31, they only know that Manji had a fight with Sen and then left the group; Tsuna never said anything about the incident with Iwaoi. He never explained anything. Manji just upped and left. Momo is pushing him to explain himself so that he doesn't need to run anymore and so that he doesn't feel guilty anymore. He either fully cuts ties with them now or reconnects with them. And for the fire brigade, maybe Iwaoi brought them with him. He is Manji's Uncle and the leader/founder, so not that far-fetched that he would bring them so that they could reconnect. Iwaoi doesn't know why Manji is here. He believes Manji wants to come back.

    Polarbeard August 28, 2023 2:56 am

    Yeah, I know all of that I've been reading this story since the majority found out it existed.

    Shelly99 August 28, 2023 7:13 am

    Me too, I`ve been reading it since the second volume but in your explanations, you sometimes phrase your sentences so that they have a completely different meaning from, I believe, something you want to actually tell. You wrote "... confronting his family who turned THEIR BACKS on him ..." which is why I wrote this comment. You also asked: "Also, why are the fire brigade guys hiding in Manji's childhood home?", which I tried to answer. I am not trying to be antagonistic, I just want people who read this manga for the first time to have a thorough understanding without any misconceptions. I admire that you try to explain nearly every chapter since even I had trouble understanding some in the earlier volumes, I just want to correct some statements that are phrased wrong. It is supposed to help and not to call you out. I am sorry if that was the feeling you got from my responses.