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Neko_chan August 26, 2023 9:33 am

Their relationship become mess up because of that woman. I mean I understand her feelings towards rindo but she freaking knows his relationship! My gadh! This will not happened if it wasn't for her . I know they'll made up eventually of course but it's still painful to see them suffering

    vasya September 2, 2023 9:15 am

    I mean ya she was a real bitch but their relationship has always been a ticking time bomb since Amane’s insecurity and thoughts that “Rindo should be with a woman” have never gone away, but instead have just been present under the surface. If it wasn’t for that woman, it would’ve been someone else eventually (Rindo seems to have issues with making boundaries and doesn’t push people away since he enjoys the feeling of them liking him, as he said previously), and then Amane would’ve lost it again