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Purky August 25, 2023 6:55 pm

Okay but like? Arent they all friends??????
they have no motive to rape him?? Do they?? Am i missing something?
And please dont tell me they raped him (a literal crime) just bcuz he was rude to them at some point.
WHAT WAS THE GREEN GUY'S MOTIVE??? It feels like the author just wanted ANYONE to rape him and they decided to choose his friends without even writing a proper backstory to WHY.
Other then this being literal bullshit and having a massive plot hole; this shit is just foul. The villain got what he deserved from the main story, so why make a whole goddamn side story (that ruins a side character btw) just to rape him in diffrent fashions?? This seems hella unnescary, and from a writing standpoint; its just really lazy IMO.
I just wanted to see the cute main couple doing cute main couple shit, but all i got was a redhead getting assaulted.
And the problem is now we cant say: "thats what he deserves, karma!!" Like when he lost his share of the company, we just feel bad for him and that just completely discards him as a villain.
Anyways; YOLO.
