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quick rant; romance, harem, hyper IQ

Zemshi August 24, 2023 1:39 pm

i do love this story, i just hope there isn't any romance or harem. i say this because i swear to god the story keeps introducing characters and its spotlight during introduction is a female character. the train incident, the principal, 3rd order girl.

the blue haired student, silver haired student, (the other female students i'm not so worried about they're not involved that much)

the silver haired knighty order leader whatnot, the teacher, the animist spirit whatever she does with the fire human spirit.

are you trying to instigate a harem..? because WHAT A COINCIDENCE!
i don't mind MC and underground slums alley miss fashionista being a thing seeing that one giggly romantic stunt he did healing her eye. but if he's with a student, lord idk what comments and shit i'd say.

and now this blue haired detective that is suddenly inserted to the story as if there's not like three other groups trying to find the MC already.

like? crimes happens a lot in the real world where it can be done by separate people with no connections and suddenly stop and can coincidentally be a year apart and that these criminals could have all stopped.

for the similar century this is set at in comparison to ours, lord these characters are ... now i understand this is just FiCtIoN aNd JuSt A sToRy now shut the hell up?

    MangaThinker August 25, 2023 5:55 am

    I too would love to see avoiding the Harem Trope where many female characters fall in love with the main protagonist.

    MangaThinker August 25, 2023 5:59 am

    I would also love to see this story avoiding the Harem Trope where many female characters fall in love with the main protagonist.

    Novel Updates Spoilers:

    MangaThinker August 25, 2023 6:12 am

    Sorry, it seems I can't currently delete the comment with the errors in this website. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Zemshi August 25, 2023 3:14 pm
    Sorry, it seems I can't currently delete the comment with the errors in this website. ( ̄へ ̄) MangaThinker

    no worries lol!

    Edaj❣ August 25, 2023 5:34 pm

    I drop it , I know where it turns - Harem. All characters that was introduced , all of them are female.