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I am abt to get matching rings with this comic fr

Purky August 23, 2023 10:43 pm

Okay wow. i just have so many thing to say.
This was so fucking pulling to read, i gen enjoyed reading this whole and i cant wait any longer for the next season, WOW.
Tbh for a bl; this is so good in plot. It feels as if i know whats going to go down but at the same time i have no idea.
I am so curious abt the big brother's diary, i want to know why he wrote so much about his brother, i want to know what happened that day at the hospital, and why the ml is so repulsed by won's smell. So yk its good when a comic makes you ask all these questions.
UGH. This SO GOOD. Its a real crime that this is 28 chapter only. Wow. BTW; This is HELLA recommended, if you into mystery, youd eat this one up in a whim.
And one more thing; i love how the little brother's jealousy and feeling are protrayed, its so indulging and it makes me as a reader so excited to know more.
Claps to the author tbh; what a good comic this is.
