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honestly ik that nanase was gon be spouting shit bout stayin wit yuni, ik not every relati...

handsome_squidward August 23, 2023 6:35 am

honestly ik that nanase was gon be spouting shit bout stayin wit yuni, ik not every relationship is gon be ideal but damn- is it too much to just ask for a bitch to move on n leave the cheater behind? fuuko obvi ain’t innocent but neither is yuni, she literally was putting all the blame on nanase n was EVEN GETTING GROPED IN FRONT OF HER like you have no shame, where r ur morals girl??? yuni over here tellin a deranged girl dat she still wants her even after knowin the girl ain’t right in the head, n watch she prolly gon keep dat earring or sum. ik dis is fiction but jesus take the wheel-

n imma still stick around to see what happens cuz i may be talkin mad shit but imma needa see how dis ends cuz dis is crazy- (also sorry for all the cursing i’m just speechless....i’m flabbergasted tbh)

    NICO October 28, 2023 1:27 pm

    I wish nanase has plans tho. Imagine if she just wanted to break up fuuko and yuni, make them hate each other (just like what fuuko did) then leave yuni to the streets. (Could only wish for it tho, we know how dumb fictional characters get lol)