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Red flag ex.

JH-KDYJ August 21, 2023 6:25 pm

I mean it was obvious tho...She never loved Luke and only used him to fulfil her fantasies. It's hilarious how she tried to change topics and accuse Luke of stalking her which is ironic. She's toxic and manipulative af.

Also her trying to get in contact with Luke, there is only one reason why, she wants to be in power. She's upset because she was caught and because Luke broke it off, not her. As seen from chapter 8 she was planning to apologise to Luke and try to get back together with him (later on she would most likely break it off with him). If Luke doesn't accept her apology she would've played the victim, blamed everything on him then broke it off from there. Truly hope this is her last appearance and that she doesn't try to cause Luke any harm in the future (like spreading rumours around campus or uploading a post about him and accusing him of lies).

Btw one thing that baffled me was Luke originally blaming and hating on Andrew. He suspected his ex of cheating on him and thought Andrew had seduced her...She was innocent in his eyes and it would've been the other party's fault for seducing her and her falling for it??? A fool blinded by love.

He's an idiot sometimes but oh well.
