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Lili August 18, 2023 4:06 pm

Actually Mc is annoying but he is quite good because he drug ml once and drunk another time but mc never touch him but that bastard shit raped him twice and the reason that it is Mc fault for seducing him and looking handsome what a fucked up cause and who read the novel ml is really piece of shit.

And if mc is annoying why still work in his company and follow him everywhere, it is a bloody fact that ml follow mc.

And if you like someone say it and put a distance this is a common knowledge

    haashá August 25, 2023 6:10 pm

    the most annoying fact is that li yu is also the most whitewashed gong in 188bg fandom. his fans who whitewash him and hate on jsy are so weird like you hate on him but protect a rapist and a criminal? really? i can understand jsl fans but ly fans are beyond me.

    Lili September 11, 2023 3:59 pm
    the most annoying fact is that li yu is also the most whitewashed gong in 188bg fandom. his fans who whitewash him and hate on jsy are so weird like you hate on him but protect a rapist and a criminal? really? ... haashá

    I read all the novel and i say ml is a b*tch acting like an angel when he tricked mc, stole his money then want to apologize by returning back the money but how?? By doing illegal things, putting himself in danger where mc went to clean after him again

    Lili September 11, 2023 4:02 pm
    I read all the novel and i say ml is a b*tch acting like an angel when he tricked mc, stole his money then want to apologize by returning back the money but how?? By doing illegal things, putting himself in dan... Lili

    What i see is mc with high ego and blind by his love to ml
    And ml an immature manipulative b*tch

    I agree mc is annoying and harassing ml but ml acting like a white lotus and putting excuses with his crime then he went together with mc then throw him away i must say mc really like ml because i will have killed ml already