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So his father is alive??? Why did I understand that he's not living with his family???????...

quinnea August 17, 2023 10:08 pm

So his father is alive??? Why did I understand that he's not living with his family?????????

    Soohwa August 18, 2023 8:20 am

    Well we never rlly see his mom or dad at home it’s rlly just been Yamato and his sister.. I wonder if they got a divorce

    quinnea August 18, 2023 8:48 am
    Well we never rlly see his mom or dad at home it’s rlly just been Yamato and his sister.. I wonder if they got a divorce Soohwa

    I dont see any reason for them to divorce tho. They're a happy family with no problems like cheating and such. Anyways, imma leave and overthink the fact that I didnr comprehend that extra well