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Time for a Break down of whats going on so far.

MysticMad August 17, 2023 7:44 pm

Cause yes there are a few confusing things thanks to the previous translation.

1. The building where MC works
Is is haunted. By more than one thing.
ML ghost saved MC from running into other thing in the first few chapters.

2. ML Ghost.
He is able to do a lot of spooky ghost stuff.
Possessing multiple characters, it can likely drain their life force.
It has a deep connection to the manager. Likely as a way to get prey.
When it switches targets from the other guy to our MC.
The manager's interest also changed caused by dreams of doing the MC thanks to Ghost ML too.
It can read the mind of its target and take the form of those it possesses.

3. MC
This is the important things to note.
There is clearly something off about the MC.
He does not react to the Ghost powers the same as other people excluding the woman who used to see ghosts.
Make Note, during their first encounter, the ghost makes humans feel pleasure in the act too, but that didn't work with MC. It wasn't until much later, and it isn't consistent. Not only that, its mimicry seemingly doesn't turn off for MC. The ghost has likely been showing up in its truest form later in the story, but MC can't see that. And even the ghost doesn't understand why.

Also, anytime he's away from the ghost, he "forgets" the parts that directly involve the spooky shit. He only remembers the encounters at their base. So he remembers having sex with the "manager," but anything supernatural involved is cut off from his mind.

Finally, the biggest one, MC has likely "died" before and met the ghost but he also doesn't remember this.

If this does get picked up and retranslated hopefully things will be far more clear but that's is all I got from the story so far.
