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unexplained powers and being irritating

Zemshi August 15, 2023 2:33 pm

i really liked the story however his "powers" kinda escalated horribly and it went unexplained. i understand it's fiction however, he went from being naturally charged that the AI went to his brain and could show stuff without projecting etc. he also could see the patient's full condition and diagnosis through comparison with the internet etc. but it was all because he was touching them. later on, he goes glancing at the patients without having to touch them and has a full ass x-ray and scans seeing where the bones and shit are like hello...? your conductivity because of his electric charge made him able to see those in the first place, so it made sense when he would touch them but he doesn't need to anymore especially when the patient is fully clothed modestly like it was the ice age.

i also just can't stand how he's so overtly annoying trying to save everyone like boi you're one person, you can't save the whole population just because you have a little bit of knowledge and AI in your brain. you're not jesus. he's also randomly not going on break... because he wants to save people like HELP ME how are you going to save people when your body's not in good condition, you're just going to cause more problems rather than solving them. you're a newbie, not superman. stay in your lane and follow protocols.

    aokiz August 19, 2023 1:31 am

    agree on MC's confusing OP abilities. i can understand the supercomputer-like medical knowledge and maybe the unbelievable internal body control through Ronnie. what really trips me up though is how he can "send" or influence others' bodies as well like wth

    i know this is a fantasy manhwa but with those kinds of abilities, next thing u know a dungeon's opening up in the ER lmao