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Can everyone relax? It is just a story and has nothing to do with reality. Stop taking the...

Kiku chan August 14, 2023 6:21 am

Can everyone relax?
It is just a story and has nothing to do with reality. Stop taking the matter seriously

Anyway, I loved that in the end he came back to him because they both deserve each other
They are both wounded, and I believe that each of them will heal the other's wounds
I really hope that there will be an additional story for this couple after they heal psychologically from the harm they faced
I also wish a little puppy would come into their lives, I think that would be cute

    JINLOVEMITSUYA August 15, 2023 3:28 am

    yes it's fiction but you know minho the character is based on author ex boyfriend and she made this character to release her anger to her ex boyfriend, so well the author is sick .and this story is mixed with author ex boyfriend and fiction.

    the author hate her ex boyfriend but no matter what minho is not her ex boyfriend