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Is this the one ?

Lucilias August 13, 2023 8:35 pm

Yo I remember reading this like 1 year ago but I re read it today on webtoon (up to like 50 episodes) but I can't seem to find a particular scene I though was from this webcomic
So I think it might be from another similar webcomic.
The scene was : there's a necromancer and he also collects minions by reviving his dead enemies. He has like 3 chances to try reviving his ennemies, so sometimes he fails (if the soul isn't ok with it or stuff). So in the scene he fights a boss that looks like some kind of giant knight and it's a really hard fight (the giant knight also has a troop formed by smaller knights similar to him) but the necromancer manages to kill the giant knight.
The hero tries 2 times to summon the knight but it refuses, so he ends up talking about how now there's nothing he can protect in the donjon, and he better accompany him to do other stuff, and like this the summoning is successful.
Anyone knows whether it's coming from The Lone Necromancer or from another comic ?

    Lucilias August 13, 2023 8:37 pm

    Oh wait I just found it
    It's "Solo Levelling" for anyone who would like to read it ! It's really nice !!