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Fuck the dad

Bonny August 9, 2023 8:10 pm

The dad can eat shit. I was waiting there's was more few chapters, but I think I would be to frustrated to enjoy it.

I'm a petty mother fucker and crave revenge. I would become a full on tryant.
Fuck the dad, fuck the mistress, fuck the child. I would be to angry to care

The only reason I was giving a chance even tho it was little to ecchi for my taste bc I thought it was a fluffy family fantasy story. The disappointment.

Now I need a story where the dad and the mistress get the karma they deserved and fuck themselves to ease my frustration

    StarPebblit September 3, 2023 6:29 pm

    I can't believe you went into this thinking this was going to be a 'fluffy romance' LOOOOL

    yadi (^¬^)/ September 13, 2023 9:38 pm

    It happened to me too, I got angry with the dad but kept reading because I thought this was the story of Rudeus becoming a better person, a person that even if he was hurt he was awesome (although a pervert) for being the glue keeping his family together but then I became utterly disappointed with him.


    He followed his father footsteps, he is a fucking cheater too but worse ヽ(`Д´)ノ How can he even? He didn't learn anything.
    It's really hard to find a single character in this without a personality or moral problem.
    The worse is I come back to this manga sometimes an end heartbroken and mad again. Shame on me ╥﹏╥

    JeanneZoroLaw September 15, 2023 3:11 am

    I atop reading n the only reason I continue it cuz I was hoping for the mother to have a happy ending since the father an asshole for cheating

    King Of Strangeness September 28, 2023 8:55 pm
    It happened to me too, I got angry with the dad but kept reading because I thought this was the story of Rudeus becoming a better person, a person that even if he was hurt he was awesome (although a pervert) fo... yadi (^¬^)/


    yadi (^¬^)/ September 29, 2023 1:01 pm

    How what?