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Dumpster Fire plot but both JO and YW are at fault and both are victims

Stan123 August 7, 2023 5:00 pm

Ive never once thought the Beta was innocent but I decided to stick up for him since people are completely shitting on him and acting like YW is a freaking saint when in reality BOTH are at fault for staying in their dumpster fire "relationship".
BOTH do NOT trust each other! YW doesn't trust betas bc they don't omit pheromones, and JO has deep seeded trust issues and knows that YW has no self control bc he loves pheromones/omegas too much. Their "relationship" was doomed the very first time they slept together once YW told JO "its a pain in the ass that you don't get wet down here". like all of JOs insecurities came in like a wrecking ball. What JO did with the latest test was extremely petty and wrong, but I think he just wanted YW to be honest with him and himself. YW is living like all will be rainbows and sunshine if Jo just accepts him but JO knows that’s impossible.There will always be an empty void JO won’t be able to fill for YW and he wants YW to understand and acknowledge that. also YW lied to JO when he said that he would hate pheromones when in his mind he had no intention to do so and his solution was to avoid omegas all together but that is impossible. When a situation arises - YW will obviously not be able to contain himself (Like hypothetically what if YW and a random omega in heat or vice versa get stuck in an elevator with no way out? There's no way YW can hold himself back). Also in the story the omega was passed out so he wasn't forcing himself onto YW but he followed the omega pheromones to the bedroom. YW could have walked out of the apartment like he did at the restaurant but he didn't. However, I do see the SA point of view that others are making for YW but if anything there are 3 victims in general - 1) JO for all the emotional abuse YW inadvertently caused over the years with his careless words and actions 2) YW for being physically punched by JO as well as creating the SA situation that was forced upon him by the pheromones 3) the omega who was repeatedly SA by YW over and over. There were several instances that YW and JO both should have left the relationship but decided to stay in this toxic hot mess of a dumpster fire relationship.

    Stan123 August 7, 2023 5:03 pm

    Based off of the recent chapters I don't think there's any way a happy ending where YW + JO can end up together. Both have trust and communication problems. They can't overcome YWs biological urge. Even YWs family said he needs to imprint to release pheromones or else its not healthy. Its like the whole world is against them. YW needs to let go of JO and mate with an omega. JO needs to move on and be with another beta so he doesn't need to worry about pheromones. I don't see them even staying as friends and its best that JO move out.

    Lin August 15, 2023 4:41 pm

    I really hope they're not end up together. You're right. Their relationship is doomed to fail from the start.