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What's MONO???

PalavaSohva August 4, 2023 8:26 am

I tried googling it and found nothing ┐(´ー`)┌

    riss August 6, 2023 4:18 pm

    well, if you google mono out of context, you're most likely going to get results related to the kissing disease– so i think the chapter itself is a trap to get you there, lol

    PalavaSohva August 6, 2023 7:45 pm
    well, if you google mono out of context, you're most likely going to get results related to the kissing disease– so i think the chapter itself is a trap to get you there, lol riss

    Aaah, I searched "mono chinese website" and didn't even try searching just "mono" seperately so I dodged that. But if it was meant as a trap then it was really elaborate and I respect OldXian for that.

    egojn August 13, 2023 12:43 pm

    Doesn't it say Momo..?

    PalavaSohva August 14, 2023 9:45 am
    Doesn't it say Momo..? egojn
