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Im sadly done with this one. Have fun yall!

Ampk.95 August 2, 2023 12:41 am

Im sad this one fell off for me. I was hoping for a season with some extra drama about the wedding and the little princes but man is everything boring as hell rn. Like EVERYONE is boring. A plot more fleshed out about the princess and Shin and Wolfgang wouldve been sooooooo good, but its not?! More on Ulysses wouldve been cute too ngl!

I’ll pick it up again if it ever picks up with the main ogs Shin and Wolfgang bc these side character epilogue type stories are sadly boring and im usually okay with side stroies bc theyre simple and fun bit somehow these arent?! I cant be the only one right???!!

    3^07 August 2, 2023 2:54 am

    did you read the triple crown version? It has everything you mentioned on it.

    Ampk.95 August 2, 2023 7:56 am
    did you read the triple crown version? It has everything you mentioned on it. 3^07

    Ive read everything. This is the newest/final season and i was just expecting more of the same like the previous season or more in general. The time skip a couple years into peace is just dragging out and unless it starts paying of with the MCs again its just not what i wanna read anymore sadly.

    Athena82 August 8, 2023 2:36 am

    Apparently the season is ending soon too

    Ampk.95 August 8, 2023 6:02 am
    Apparently the season is ending soon too Athena82

    Nah fr??! and we didnt get an official wedding for the main couple (not really needed but wouldve been nice to see)