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R18 stuff

Reenishi July 31, 2023 6:54 pm

So I've been sexually active for months now but I rarely finish cuz after my partner came it's done, he'll open his phone or sleeps. I tried talking to my partner about that but I felt like he was only doing it not bc he wants to but bc I told him to, like he was forcing himself to do it. And every we do the deed with him the onlybone who finished, I feel used. What should I do?

(I'm clean down )

    Mia July 31, 2023 7:07 pm

    Communication is the key, if they continue to act like that try explaining it again and then offer to take a break from eachother so they can learn. If that doesn't work then they're just not someone who wants to listen.

    No_name July 31, 2023 8:06 pm

    Jokingly tell him that you still need his thing, or try to look hurt /bothered