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Im gonna comment again cause whos gonna stop me?

Charmed July 31, 2023 9:48 am

Im gonna reiterate and clarify my original statement since it’s become a long thread of nonsense due to two accounts (you know who you are). POV or not, I really dont care, the first time Dan has sex with whatever his name is (and the multiple times after that), were rape. But I’ll call it SA since that seems to be more accepted here for whatever reason. The comments being the way they are, are exactly why authors need to stop making manhwa’s with tropes like this or ones that include rapey sex in general. I should not have to sit back and question “damn, did this character just get raped/SA?” Or “Man that was kinda weird”. Nor should I have to argue with some random person on the internet because they think I should say SA instead of Rape because that makes it way better??? This all boils down to not including this in manhwa’s at all. Or, if you include it, address it well. Taking this out of the plot wouldn’t have affected the story at all. Normalize not normalizing and romanticizing Rape and SA

    Manhwaspicy July 31, 2023 11:43 am
    oh okay thats fine. what did you think about my answer? did it change your mind or do you still have the same opinion? I wont bother you if you still haven't changed your mind since there would be no point in a... cocopuffs

    I hope you read everything. I read your answer very carefully and it made me realise that we both are saying the same thing but with a different approach. You're mentioning all the actions of jk but you're ignoring other aspects that should be highly considered.

    To be very honest with you, I don't even feel you have the full right to be picking assumptions when you haven't finished all the chapters. Yes, the first time they did it was very abusive but you can't refer to it using the term ‘RAPE’. The actions of jk are rough and harsh and we can all agree that jk is a narcissist when it comes to sex with his partners. He says he prefers it that way which is messed up.

    But also look at the other sides of jk. Jk has indeed stopped when Dan pleaded with him and when you come to an agreement, you have to abide by it. Jk does NOT play with his jinx so he was desperate at that particular moment and the problem is also Dan who doesn't even VOICE his thoughts leaving jk clearly oblivious to how his partner must be feeling.

    Dan is not a child. He would know if someone is raping him. But my poor baby gave that stupid consent and we all have to accept it. Jk didn't mean to threaten Dan, that wasn't his intention if you look at his next reaction. Observe the characters well because every action of them needs to be needed and accepted.

    Manhwaspicy July 31, 2023 11:50 am
    Yk you never even gave me reasons how it can be described separately so i'm still siding with charmed lol cocopuffs

    Sexual harassment does not translate to rape. Who taught you that? Rape, sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, sexual coercion, sexual harassment, and behaviors that might not fit neatly into any of these categories.

    These are all acts of sexual violence, but it’s important to define them separately to punish perpetrators appropriately. It’s also important these terms and the distinctions between them are clearly understood. Otherwise, it makes it difficult for people to know how to label and describe their experiences. They are completely different terms, my dear, you can never translate them to each other and they can never be the same.

    “blushing/the dilated pupils/parted lips can be seen as a biological reaction tho?” It can be seen as a biological reaction but not in a manhwa or comic itself, authors draw this type of thing to show what they actually meant in the scenes. It is fiction so it has to be expressed well. Just because it looks like that doesn't mean it is. You have to view it in a manhwa manner, it is fiction, not real life. The same applies to anime.

    Obviously, Dan doesn't enjoy the sex but he has started to which the author has excellently shown us. Don't ignore that my dear.

    One thing your also forgetting is that Dan lied that he was experienced and jk specifically said, “Since you're experienced, I guess I don't need to go easy on you then” They all have meanings if you read carefully.

    cocopuffs July 31, 2023 11:53 am
    I hope you read everything. I read your answer very carefully and it made me realise that we both are saying the same thing but with a different approach. You're mentioning all the actions of jk but you're igno... Manhwaspicy


    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 11:54 am
    Yk you never even gave me reasons how it can be described separately so i'm still siding with charmed lol cocopuffs

    Lol. There are many topics. I am not interested in this topic. I have not read everything but I seen something.
    Blocking isn’t a sign of inferiority and it doesn’t stop the communication.

    “ Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape. ”

    What I said was the truth. You could had searched it. I am not your slave. Truth or an inferior, cowardly, violent, who can’t handle their behavior troll.

    If you are not the same person. They are sadistic and will turn on you, eventually.

    cocopuffs July 31, 2023 11:57 am
    okay. cocopuffs

    i said okay because i'm choosing to end the argument now. like i said before, we cant change each others opinions on this so i don't want to waste my time on it anymore. and ik i cant fully talk about the manhwa since i said i dropped it but its why i said ill reread it and give you evidence little by little with each chapter i read. but honestly, i dont see any point in this anymore so goodbye.

    Charmed July 31, 2023 11:58 am

    You are obsesseddd

    Mikaela July 31, 2023 11:58 am

    Again for all the brainless flies: COERCION IS NOT CONSENT.

    cocopuffs July 31, 2023 11:59 am
    Lol. There are many topics. I am not interested in this topic. I have not read everything but I seen something. Blocking isn’t a sign of inferiority and it doesn’t stop the communication. https://florinro... Tmsmyz

    omg i know that rape is a form of sexual assault and its not the only form. i was talking about the male lead. how was what he did not rape but sexual assault.

    taeyahhhh_03 July 31, 2023 12:05 pm
    Again for all the brainless flies: COERCION IS NOT CONSENT. Mikaela

    my bro I here...with a cup of your fav coffee and a cupcake!! Please make these kids understand this!