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Oh hell no.

Charmed July 31, 2023 7:23 am

Yall are weird as fuck. No way yall are defending this shit. This is exactly why manhwa creators need to stop including sex in their stories that teeter on the line of SA and Rape.

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 8:04 am

    One side is defending the story has rape. If you say the story doesn’t have rape. It is “their POV of rape being in the story or be a rape apologist sicko that needs professional help.” ( defending a POV)

    The other side is defending the ones that were attacking by the other side by saying there is no rape in the story.
    (Defending people)

    The ones making it rape is closer to your comment but I don’t think anyone is defending it. However, if someone was defending it. That is their right. They have the right to like/love this story. You have the right to hate to. You need to respect that.

    You are being weird because this is a fictional story for entertainment that authors will always create and be there long after we are gone. You need to understand and differentiate from real and fantasy. If you don’t like these type of stories then why are you here?

    “ that teeter on the line of SA and Rape.”. It is awesome you know this. Many on here thinks it is the same thing. When we say there is no rape. Some claim we said no SA and something similar. Sexual assault covers more than rape meaning not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape. I know you know this but they will read. So, we can say there is no rape and see him a SA survivor.

    Charmed July 31, 2023 8:06 am
    One side is defending the story has rape. If you say the story doesn’t have rape. It is “their POV of rape being in the story or be a rape apologist sicko that needs professional help.” ( defending a POV)... Tmsmyz

    Im not reading all that. I’ve seen you commenting the same thing over and over on everyone’s comments when you literally have nothing important to say. Just pulling shit out of your ass and spewing it everywhere like you’re speaking facts.

    Charmed July 31, 2023 8:09 am
    One side is defending the story has rape. If you say the story doesn’t have rape. It is “their POV of rape being in the story or be a rape apologist sicko that needs professional help.” ( defending a POV)... Tmsmyz

    And I want to make it PERFECTLY clear that im not agreeing with you on anything. It’s perfectly logical for people to consider the sex in this manhwa to be rape.

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 8:32 am
    Im not reading all that. I’ve seen you commenting the same thing over and over on everyone’s comments when you literally have nothing important to say. Just pulling shit out of your ass and spewing it every... Charmed

    Someone took time and dedication to write you. Stop being so shitty.

    “I’ve seen you commenting the same thing over and again”. If you understood why you wouldn’t saying anything to berated me.

    “You literally have nothing important to say”. What a pathetic joke and shitty thing to say. That means you are one of the trolls and don’t like what I have to say because it is important. You are the one with nothing to say but whine about a story and judge others. I am defending people which is important and me being a better person.

    I have not pulled anything out of my ass or have I spewed anything. You told me you were inferior to me and threatened by me. Your insecurities are showing.

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 8:37 am
    And I want to make it PERFECTLY clear that im not agreeing with you on anything. It’s perfectly logical for people to consider the sex in this manhwa to be rape. Charmed

    That is unnecessary. Your comments are disgusting.
    You seem to not read my comments over and over.
    The story pov does not have rape.
    People can see it as rape. You are telling me what I have been saying. You are agreeing with me.

    People can see it as rape but the story doesn’t hold that pov = it is perfectly logical for people to consider the sex in the manhwa to be rape.
    I have said it is close to rape too.

    I am a victim of cyber bullying. You have seen my aggressive behavior mocking them. I am not aggressive.

    Why don’t you try to understand the situation before you judge others.

    Charmed July 31, 2023 8:44 am
    Someone took time and dedication to write you. Stop being so shitty. “I’ve seen you commenting the same thing over and again”. If you understood why you wouldn’t saying anything to berated me. “You li... Tmsmyz

    I wasnt saying what i said to be polite. I hope it came off as shitty. No on cares if you dont think its rape. I dont give a fuck about that. If that’s all your opinion is, cool. Go on about your day. Im addressing people like you, who jump down people’s throats because we (rightfully so) think something is rape or sa. Youre not respecting anyone’s opinion even tho you’re pretending you are. Youre just hiding behind the “respect everyone’s opinions” mask, even tho you clearly don’t respect anyone who disagrees with you. Also, I dont wanna hear shit about how hard someone worked on this manhwa when you’re literally reading this for free. Go pay to read this and then we can start talking about that. I just find it weird and concerning how upset people like you get when someone even slightly suggests that sex in a manhwa might be rape or sa.

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 8:46 am

    To be honest with you, I was hoping you would been better. Thankful I shared information with you.

    Instead I get more hateful false opinions. I get more harassment over your false accusations and false misunderstands.
    You just kicked the victim but I will keep telling the truth. Stop gaslighting me.

    Charmed July 31, 2023 8:52 am
    That is unnecessary. Your comments are disgusting. You seem to not read my comments over and over. The story pov does not have rape. People can see it as rape. You are telling me what I have been saying. You a... Tmsmyz

    Youre right, I didn’t read your comments. I just saw you replying to people over and over…like i said. But I digress. If you understand that it’s someone’s POV then we wouldnt be having this conversation. Even if I was upset at someone for not seeing this as rape you wouldn’t care cause “thats my POV” and you would move on. But alas, here you are, passive aggressively arguing about my POV. Because although you’re trying to hide it, this isn’t about how hard the author worked or “different POVs” I, and others, simply don’t agree with you so you’re arguing with us. You can judge me and call me shitty and act of superiority over me but you are doing the exact same thing. It’s very obvious who you agree with and who you dont.

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 8:54 am

    “I wasnt saying what i said to be polite. I hope it came off as shitty.” Yikes!

    “No on cares if you dont think its rape.”
    Yes they do.

    “ I dont give a fuck about that.” Lie

    “ If that’s all your opinion is, cool. “. Read comprehension issues.

    “Im addressing people like you, who jump down people’s throats because we (rightfully so) think something is rape or sa.” I have not.

    “Youre not respecting anyone’s opinion even tho you’re pretending you are. “. This is you. See your first sentence or any comment here to me. Gaslighting.

    “Youre just hiding behind the “respect everyone’s opinions” mask, even tho you clearly don’t respect anyone who disagrees with you.” Lie. This is never been about a disagreement. Gaslighting.

    “Also, I dont wanna hear shit about how hard someone worked on this manhwa when you’re literally reading this for free. “. Irrelevant

    Go pay to read this and then we can start talking about that. “ I already have. Stop judging and assuming.

    “ I just find it weird and concerning how upset people like you get when someone even slightly suggests that sex in a manhwa might be rape or sa.”

    *^ you have no clue what has happened. And why not try reading.
    Story: rape - no
    Story: sa - yes

    I am a victim.

    This is not about a disagreement.

    Charmed July 31, 2023 8:55 am
    To be honest with you, I was hoping you would been better. Thankful I shared information with you. Instead I get more hateful false opinions. I get more harassment over your false accusations and false misunde... Tmsmyz

    What are you talking about. You didn’t have to reply to me, therefore I have no sympathy towards you. I made my opinions perfectly clear and you continued replying. Im sorry you made an assumption and got a reaction you weren’t expecting. Thats too bad.

    Charmed July 31, 2023 8:57 am
    “I wasnt saying what i said to be polite. I hope it came off as shitty.” Yikes! “No on cares if you dont think its rape.”Yes they do. “ I dont give a fuck about that.” Lie “ If that’s all y... Tmsmyz

    Ok. Go argue with someone else I dont have the patience. You’re gaslighting me while acting as though ive gaslight you. Woe is me :((

    Manhwaspicy July 31, 2023 9:01 am
    I wasnt saying what i said to be polite. I hope it came off as shitty. No on cares if you dont think its rape. I dont give a fuck about that. If that’s all your opinion is, cool. Go on about your day. Im addr... Charmed

    Pathetic of you to be like this. I hope you're not like this in real life. That's pretty bad and people will run away from you.

    Charmed July 31, 2023 9:02 am
    Pathetic of you to be like this. I hope you're not like this in real life. That's pretty bad and people will run away from you. Manhwaspicy

    I literally dont care. Next.

    Charmed July 31, 2023 9:03 am
    Pathetic of you to be like this. I hope you're not like this in real life. That's pretty bad and people will run away from you. Manhwaspicy

    I knew it wouldn’t be long before you showed up too

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 9:04 am

    My intentions was to talk to you. You are the only cowardly attacking people, trolling, and gaslighting. You can’t have a conversation. You are the fighting and arguing. You are gaslighting me. Liar

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 9:05 am

    This is a troll

    Charmed July 31, 2023 9:06 am
    Pathetic of you to be like this. I hope you're not like this in real life. That's pretty bad and people will run away from you. Manhwaspicy

    Let me make this extremely clear. Im not here to be nice to you or be your friend. You dont know me and I dont know you. You are a random person on the internet. Im not entertaining people who pretend to be high and mighty on an illegal sight. Respond with your think pieces on rape and you will be ignored. And thats that. Have a shitty day. :)

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 9:49 am

    That means I want to be right in my opinions and don’t want to see the truth. They are threatened by saying high and mighty because we are not being high and mighty. How many prolifes does this person have? Why is it always about the story and not the situation?

    Tora is better at decoding. This is a profile I have not seen and I don’t think a newcomer would be this hostile or be this opinionated on me.

    This is the same thing as the others.
    High and mighty
    The story is our opinion.
    I was repeating the same thing over and over. So they hate the truth.
    Trying to make their harassment a disagreement.
    Passive aggressive

    I missed the comment filled with lies and more gaslighting that has this comment in it:

    “ If you understand that it’s someone’s POV then we wouldnt be having this conversation”

    They are blaming me. We wouldn’t be having this conversation if they did harassing the ones saying it is not rape.
    I am not here arguing.
    I am not here passive aggressive arguing.
    This person doesn’t understand a conversation.
    This is sir donot or toilet. Which I think are the same person. And if they are different people, Toilet has shared knowledge on rape and sa to know the difference.

    Mikaela July 31, 2023 10:38 am

    ''Tora is better at decoding''
    Yeah, he proved otherwise. Yall writing long ass paragraphs just indicates how insecure you are in your own opinion. Get some help. And a therapist.