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My anger and frustration just went past the the universe while reading this ghad!! (╯ರ...

CallmeSick July 28, 2023 1:08 pm

My anger and frustration just went past the the universe while reading this ghad!! (╯ರ ~ ರ)

In my opinion, judith is so unhelpful asdfghjk. She had all this information that could be advantageous in taking down jermel-sht and whatever but she's too busy with her lovelife now Deschamp is DEAD!!!! GHAD!! HE GOT HIS STIGMA STOLEN AND NOW HE'S D.E.A.D! So frustratingly died off a cliff.
All those wasted opportunities and unshared information from the characters are sooo frustrating. They all had this one freakin goal with one sure villain.. idk why they dragging this so long. Her stigma is not even really helping. ─=≡Σ(╯°□°)╯︵┻┻

I'm dead mad and I'm gonna be this way till that jermel-sht is dead ರ╭╮ರ

    Mavikelebek August 9, 2023 1:15 am

    İ agree that Judith is unhelpful but also Descamps chosing to jump was kind of stupid move for me. If he left his body there at least Judith and other would see that his stigma is stolen or at least they could understand he is killed by a knight not a monster. Now they will highly probably prepare a team for searching him ,and it will cost time and effort that could be used for actually investigating the murderer....