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Communication is key

Enigma July 25, 2023 8:44 am

While I get that they are not in a relationship and uke pushed him away… the least he can do is communicate his feelings. Because what was the point of him going and sleeping around just to come right back and confesses? The way the uke folded like a lawn chair after he knew how seme felt about him and he realized how he felt himself… I think the sleeping around was just unnecessary af. Also, the frustrating thing is why didn’t the seme say anything about sleeping with other ppl? Realistically, that’s something he needs to be transparent about because uke’s health could potentially be compromised? Like at least go get tested before the relationship gets serious…
on another note I also see A lot of comments on here saying uke rejected him and what was he supposed to do? Well either 1) take the rejection and move on with his life, sleep with ever he wants to sleep with but that door is closed and keep it shut. 2)find the courage to confess because when you’re already faced with rejection there’s nothing left to lose. What’s the worse they can say? No again? But nooooo, he decides to go with the shittiest option of all.
All in all I think the frustrating thing is not about him sleeping around, but it’s about him knowing damn well how he feels but not saying shit Vs uke pushing him away because he’s unsure how he feels about the seme. And I just hated how the uke found out about it - he was totally blindsided… then seme explanation was “I wAnTeD yOu To FeEl JeAlOus” - bitch please you were never going to say shit and that sounds toxic. So the way he makes uke want him is to sleep with other ppl so uke will feel jealous and realize “this is the man of my dreams” make it make sense
