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Can somebody explain the low rating for this? Cause i've seen so many bs stories with high...

Blue Moon July 23, 2023 8:33 pm

Can somebody explain the low rating for this? Cause i've seen so many bs stories with higher rating and i feel like the story just got a bad rep in the beginning and that's why the rating is low? Like sure the seme is an asshole but he is faaaaar better than many other toxic semes so i don't get it

    aviachan July 23, 2023 8:45 pm

    I don't know what type of yaois you've been reading but I think it's a fair rating to be honest considering the uke is getting raped EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER. But yeah maybe it's too low

    Torakaze July 23, 2023 8:56 pm
    I don't know what type of yaois you've been reading but I think it's a fair rating to be honest considering the uke is getting raped EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER. But yeah maybe it's too low aviachan

    Dan consented and agreed by contract. This isn’t rape.

    toilet terrorist July 23, 2023 9:13 pm

    Its a rape fest many rape paologists in the comments that are in denial

    toilet terrorist July 23, 2023 9:15 pm

    I wish waterside night god a rating under the 8's too but the author is good at constructing a plot. Still too much rape in it though, same for this manhwa exceot the plot isnt really that strong so people dont like it as much

    toilet terrorist July 23, 2023 9:15 pm
    I wish waterside night god a rating under the 8's too but the author is good at constructing a plot. Still too much rape in it though, same for this manhwa exceot the plot isnt really that strong so people dont... toilet terrorist

    *got *under the 9's
    typos sorry

    Blue Moon July 23, 2023 10:05 pm
    I wish waterside night god a rating under the 8's too but the author is good at constructing a plot. Still too much rape in it though, same for this manhwa exceot the plot isnt really that strong so people dont... toilet terrorist

    I gotta disagree this isn't rape they are both adults and can make their own decisions dan made a contract and he is getting a TONE of money out of this he could leave anytime he wanted but unfortunately he is desperately in need of money. Sure he isn't happy or comfortable with it but that doesn't change the fact that he consented to this and aside from that there a lot of stories with actual dubious consent and rape that get highr rating than 9 but i guess plot wise this isn't a strong story so maybe that's why. I still think it deserves a 9 or 9.1 tho just my opinion

    Blue Moon July 23, 2023 10:07 pm
    I don't know what type of yaois you've been reading but I think it's a fair rating to be honest considering the uke is getting raped EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER. But yeah maybe it's too low aviachan

    It varies from mood to mood as long as the plot is strong and there is an actual point to the story i would read it even if it might have some sensitive content

    toilet terrorist July 23, 2023 11:01 pm
    I gotta disagree this isn't rape they are both adults and can make their own decisions dan made a contract and he is getting a TONE of money out of this he could leave anytime he wanted but unfortunately he is ... Blue Moon

    Adults who can make ytheir own decisions can ve raped, consent isnt a free pass ticket it can be taken away at the second of refusal which Jaekyung has actively ignored, meaning he raped Dan lol.

    toilet terrorist July 23, 2023 11:04 pm
    I gotta disagree this isn't rape they are both adults and can make their own decisions dan made a contract and he is getting a TONE of money out of this he could leave anytime he wanted but unfortunately he is ... Blue Moon

    Oh yeah the low rating is definetly because the plot and pacing is super weak, waterside night has much more graphic violent rape scenes with the mc and the ml but its extremely well done and its also a psychological manhwa so that usually means the storyline is strong and thought out. Not sure where the author is gonna for season 2 i just wantcit to end with the mc getting away...if jinx had a better plot it would've atleast been a 9 but its just pure porno.

    Torakaze July 23, 2023 11:09 pm
    I gotta disagree this isn't rape they are both adults and can make their own decisions dan made a contract and he is getting a TONE of money out of this he could leave anytime he wanted but unfortunately he is ... Blue Moon

    You got a reply with a false accusation “he raped Dan”
    followed by a lol. Yikes!!!

    This is all a joke to that person. He is on here to stir trouble and lie about this story.
    I proved him wrong. He called me a troll and AI.
    He called others worst on here.
    Be careful.

    I don’t rate stories on here. But I just rated 5 stars due to this situation. Not that I am into Yaoi. Lol. My wife and friends are.
    I am the neutral for arguments. This isn’t rape. Dan consented and agreed to a contract. Some points it comes close but Dan needed to say the truth to Joo. Joo had a false impression.

    It is just false accusations from not understanding what rape is or isn’t.

    cookie July 24, 2023 12:35 am

    i hate jaekyung but i also believe it shouldn’t be labeled as rape at this point. in the beginning yes it was bc even tho dan consented at the start, he eventually wanted to stop and jaekyung just ignored him. now since they’re in a “contract” relationship, what dan is doing is more in the lines of sex work. tbh it’s prob not just the bad rep at the start that contributed to the low rating. i’ve never seen a seme like jaekyung wherein they’re an asshole AND STILL continues to be an asshole 29 chapters later without any qualms. we haven’t seen any other redeeming quality from him aside from being rich and beating those loan sharks up and despite then he still acted like a jerk to dan. i don’t really think he’s “way better” than all the other toxic semes. in fact, i think he’s one of the worst.

    toilet terrorist July 24, 2023 1:04 am
    i hate jaekyung but i also believe it shouldn’t be labeled as rape at this point. in the beginning yes it was bc even tho dan consented at the start, he eventually wanted to stop and jaekyung just ignored him... cookie

    Yes well, Jaekyung is still a rapist. Though the intercourse in the recent chapter seems to be more accepted by Dan, we cant change what he's already done. Using rape as a plot device in order to create sexual chemistry between the two main characters is so cheap and old. I wish authors would put the effort into bringing the mcs together in a more interesting manner. Ch 29 Dan still said "No" and "Stop" but im not sure if that was because he was about to nut or not. Jaekyung stil doesn't listen but i do understand they are in a contract now, it makes it harder to draw the line this way. Jaekyung is a piece of shit in many other ways too considering how violent and inconsiderate he is with Dan in general. His small acts of kindness just get overshadowed by the insane abusive behaviour . Hes really not likable in any way shape or form.

    Torakaze July 24, 2023 1:46 am
    i hate jaekyung but i also believe it shouldn’t be labeled as rape at this point. in the beginning yes it was bc even tho dan consented at the start, he eventually wanted to stop and jaekyung just ignored him... cookie

    Don’t let the other person lie to you. In chapter 29. Dan’s no is an answering Joo’s question about liking nipple play.
    Dan’s stop was to the nipple play. The chapter is clear. They have to lie to make Joo a rapist that means they have no evidence or argument. This story isn’t for them if they have to continue lie about the story and people here.

    Nipple play isn’t rape. There is no rape in chapter 29. There is no rape in this story. Their first time is close to it.
    Rape wasn’t use as a plot device in order to create sexual chemistry.

    You are allowed to hate Joo. You are right this should not be label as rape. He is not a rapist. A few people don’t understand the story and are changing the story to make Joo a rapist. Dan had consented. They have a contract. He is not all Jerk is Dan. Look deeper at him. He is toxic but not one of the worst. Isn’t there a seme that makes a uke a sex worker? I will ask Mi Amore.

    うさみ July 24, 2023 2:27 am
    I gotta disagree this isn't rape they are both adults and can make their own decisions dan made a contract and he is getting a TONE of money out of this he could leave anytime he wanted but unfortunately he is ... Blue Moon

    Agree! He is 29. Though, this manga is for mature audience, in my opinion. Characters are 29 and bit younger… BJ Alex was story at Uni. Good quality manga, but I understand there are con and pro. I really like it!

    Torakaze July 24, 2023 2:35 am
    Agree! He is 29. Though, this manga is for mature audience, in my opinion. Characters are 29 and bit younger… BJ Alex was story at Uni. Good quality manga, but I understand there are con and pro. I really lik... うさみ

    Good points.

    cookie July 24, 2023 10:40 am
    Yes well, Jaekyung is still a rapist. Though the intercourse in the recent chapter seems to be more accepted by Dan, we cant change what he's already done. Using rape as a plot device in order to create sexual ... toilet terrorist

    Very true He BARELY does anything nice and it’s like the author expects us to go “Oh ” when he does.

    cookie July 24, 2023 11:02 am
    Don’t let the other person lie to you. In chapter 29. Dan’s no is an answering Joo’s question about liking nipple play. Dan’s stop was to the nipple play. The chapter is clear. They have to lie to make... Torakaze

    Um I can agree that ch 29 is not rape but saying that there is COMPLETELY no rape in this story is just lying. reread the first time they had sex. dan was going to have sex for money but then he wanted to back out. jaekyung then proceeded to literally threaten him that he was gonna beat him up if he tried to go home???

    just bc he does slightly nice things does not mean he’s “not all jerk to dan.” there’s really no need to look deeper at him like we clearly see where the author is going whenever they call out “omg he saved me from loan sharks,” “oh he hanged out with my grandma,” “oh he did this and that” etc. author is clearly trying to convince the readers that he’s nice, just like what’s happening to dan. it’s working for you but it doesn’t work for some people bc no matter how much he does all these things his reason is selfish and purely bc dan can’t have sex with him otherwise (not bc he’s nice and actually cares).

    multiple things can be true. jaekyung is STILL one of the worst while that seme you talk abt is also one of them.

    toilet terrorist July 24, 2023 11:44 am
    Um I can agree that ch 29 is not rape but saying that there is COMPLETELY no rape in this story is just lying. reread the first time they had sex. dan was going to have sex for money but then he wanted to back ... cookie

    Ohh yeahh i was confused about ch 29 its obviously not rape but i got confused cause the texts are sort placed weirdly sometimes

    Torakaze July 24, 2023 1:15 pm
    Um I can agree that ch 29 is not rape but saying that there is COMPLETELY no rape in this story is just lying. reread the first time they had sex. dan was going to have sex for money but then he wanted to back ... cookie

    I have read the first few chapters a few times and your suggestion isn’t going to change: there is no rape.
    It comes close to rape. Take the story as a whole. It seems you are trying to hate to story and Joo.

    chapter 2 Page 48 Joo tells him to leave.
    Dan was a thought about having sex and 5 thousand dollars than to the sharks. He consented to Joo. Joo didn’t force him to agree. Dan made that choice.

    In chapter 3. Dan lies about being with men and Joo says there is no reason to go easy. Dan panics but he doesn’t tell him the truth. Joo gaves him over an hour in the shower and Dan is thinking he could be beat up. But that is just thoughts.

    Dan is wiggling and what Joo says to a wait is just a warning not a threat. Dan starts to reconsider and tells him. Joo does threaten him but most likely an empty threat giving the go home line later. Dan choice consents. 30/50.
    “If this is too much for you- get out.” Joo even if he was threatening it. He gave Dan outs. So cookie how about stop cherry picking?

    Dan consented and stayed both times Joo gave an out for the money. Dan makes that clear.

    43/50 Dan said to put it in.
    Joo isn’t a mind reader and thoughts don’t make this rape.

    Dan says don’t stop. Joo has have a mouth.
    Dan the next time he talks he says he was startled when Joo doesn’t like he is crying. Joo does not like he is crying but he covers it up. Did you catch that or are you to got up in crying wolf??

    26/55. Joo thinks Dan had anal sex before. Joo doesn’t know he is being rough with a shy inexperienced virgin.
    Chapter 2 52/ 61 Dan says he never did it before.
    Joo isn’t a rapist. There is no rape.

    Dan isn’t being honest with him and he didn’t know Dan was virgin that night. He would had did things differently. You are too focused on thoughts of Dans to see the full picture. Dan consented and it was consensual. Dan came back to do a contract with him, knowing what he was getting into it. Dan never considered rape or acted like a rape survivor.
    The story says otherwise from your opinion. Your comment doesn’t help you. “The author is clearly trying to convince the readers that is nice” really? How about show his true character. Is his reasons selfish? I don’t think so? Can you read in between the lines? You know when people say “it is cold in here isn’t?” They are not asking you for your opinion. They want you to turn off the fan or AC. Right? That is called indirect communication. Koreans use indirect communication more than Americans do.
    It is working for me? That is a big assumption. I don’t normally read Yaoi. I am a neutral person in between people that do (my wife, my best friend, and their friends). I get called in to solve problems or get a different POV. I have read a fair share of BL stories on here. It is people seeing a few things and false claiming rape and not taking in the whole picture. It is cheapen a serious crime. It is close to rape but the story says otherwise. Your POV is not shared by the story and it seems you want to make this toxic story more negative than what is. For what you wrote - I don’t value your opinion now. You just want to hate the seme here. He is not the worst. I don’t think you are seeing Joo but lost on his fake outward facade that he protects himself with. Those kind moments would be the real him. Go back to the first time to where he is upset Dan is cry with him just putting it in. After Dan’s reply he covers it up. Dan could had confessed it was his first time even then. Joo had a false impression on Dan and so do you. Stop cherry picking on moment and look at the whole story. Joo told him to go twice. Dan lied and never considered it rape and came back for a contract. Learn what rape is and isn’t. This isn’t rape.

    Blue Moon July 24, 2023 6:44 pm

    Damn guys i didn't think this would get so many replies
    I'm not a hug fan of the work it's just one of the many that i read it's just something to fill my free time and i don't feel strongly about the story if i had to give an opinion i would say it's a pretty mid story with great art that also has dub-con i mean we are all entitled to our own opinion but i still think it's a bit much to call the seme rapist even tho it's true that he is an asshole and overall a pretty inconsiderate person
    And the reason i'm surprised the rating is low isn't because i particularly like the story but mostly because stories that have such great art even if don't have the best stories tend to rate above 9 and 9.2 at highest and get a pass even if they do have dub-con in them