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UnknownArt July 13, 2023 8:54 pm

idk about y’alllll… but i’m just here to read, we all know what it is but y’all are taking FICTIONAL characters and making it seem like this is happening to him irl, i’m 9 times out of 10 fs that we just read this shit to see what we wanna see, nobody reads this to think about ra** or him being sa (unless your a pig) because yes we know what’s going on if it were reality but it’s not so why do mfs gotta ruin the story with comments when they know damn well they’re still gonna read this and i’m pretty sure the author doesn’t care either, so why ruin it in a way? imo this is all just fiction so I could really care less (unless scene is a lil too graphic) but if it were reality I would go mu*de* this mf myself

    caffeinewhore July 13, 2023 9:04 pm

    ur just weird

    Nikki July 13, 2023 9:04 pm

    The author can't see comments on this site. Its a pirate site. I would never say things this way if it were. That's mean. We just emotionally connect to the story and let off steam or connect with others on feelings through the comments is all.

    If this was directly to the author, I would tell them they are doing a great job at hurting me and I'm hooked because its the truth and its kind. Im kinda used to rape in bl stories but any of them that get realistic are kinda rough to handle. ( crying from pain, ripping, trauma, fear of other character, humiliation ) that's all.
    We are built different my friend, different triggers. Personally I'm hear hoping for a good ending for Dan and a truck ending for boxer

    Omegaflower July 14, 2023 12:27 am
    ur just weird caffeinewhore

    That's because you can't differentiate reality and fiction. Getting all worked up over a 10ft sky daddy with his 18ft pole and his cry baby twink. Why you here anyway likeeee????

    pooh sie July 14, 2023 12:39 am
    That's because you can't differentiate reality and fiction. Getting all worked up over a 10ft sky daddy with his 18ft pole and his cry baby twink. Why you here anyway likeeee???? Omegaflower

    this comment got me wheezing