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yforever125 July 12, 2023 3:37 pm

I really love and try to find stories where ogFL is not a bitch but there's always the one same gripe I have when i find them. I can already tell that a character cant simply exist without liking the newFL soooo much. When all the MLs shift from liking the "og"FL to liking newFL, then it's basically "og"story in the first place. There's always gonna be a petML or a wizardML or princeML, and they ALL still have to like newFL/the OnlyFL, like can there ever be a story where at least one of the MLs still only like the ogFL. Even when the father that shift from adoring his one n only daughter, ogFL, to adoring his one n only daughter, newFL, it paints the picture that there's only a finite amount of love to give. Can there ever be a distinct place for both heroines? Can a father grow from loving one daughter, to loving All his kids? Does the heroine need All the MLs first love? Can sisters not be treated like their position will be threatened if there's not a very clear n obvious bias?

Will still read it for entertainment tho but I really think these types of stories could benefit by making the characters.. actually characters, instead of mere decoration for the FL's life. It would make it stand out from the rest who are using the same formula over and over.
