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Wow. I mean.. It's the partly Hagiwara's fault that Yuto did it w/ the other guys but like...

ユウリ July 24, 2021 3:39 pm

Wow. I mean.. It's the partly Hagiwara's fault that Yuto did it w/ the other guys but like he just covered it up by saying it was a way to make him jealous.

I understand that they were only just fuck buddies then but even if he was pushed away, he could've at least tried harder expressing his feelings towards Hagiwara. It seriously pissed and turned me off that he actually did it just because Hagi told him to.

In reality, this type of behaviour is rarely given a second chance. It would've even be understandable if Hagi hooked up w/ another guy and moved on like the thing between them never happened. Then again, I am only just a reader and not an author.

Nonetheless, it was still good and I love the art style.
