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Bodoh aku tak tahu lah nk marah sape seme pun salah knp tinggalkan dia yg uke tu pun satu ...

DG.FOUNTAIN July 24, 2021 1:45 pm

Bodoh aku tak tahu lah nk marah sape seme pun salah knp tinggalkan dia yg uke tu pun satu dh tahu ada trauma nk ken tinggal sorg tu knppp??? Urgggg mals siak yg pakai cermin mata tu aku paling benci

    werm July 24, 2021 1:48 pm

    help bestie why r u talking in malay here

    ItsMe_Vivy July 24, 2021 3:10 pm

    I understand that you're mad (I can fully understand what you're saying) but the uke has trauma, he was bullied so bad by his classmates just because he's gay. The bullying was so harsh, it impacts him for the rest of his life and it's not easy to just overcome your trauma. So that's why the uke hasn't left the house for years