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This is giving me an unnecessary Depression T^T

Bruh_DuDz July 24, 2021 4:15 am

It says that this is the Final Arc huhuhu, Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want it to end but I really love this mangaaa...And tbh it's sad for Takemichi cuz when all is good already in the past and he goes back to the future and when everything is ok--IT'S STILL NOT OK,, That just means that he missed that 10 yrs of time cuz he leaped from it, he'll only have fragments of memories about it...


And I'm also curious cuz there's a loop hole in the story,, During his last moments with Kisaki, how the hell was he able to see that future wherein Kisaki got rejected by Hina?! I know it could be part of his power, but that just means there's more to it, his power is very interesting,, And also I wanna know what Kisaki was trying to say before he got hit by a Truck. I'm pretty sure the author could have made some more plots and info regarding this part,, but if this part is left out then it seems that the author wants to end this fast. ╥﹏╥

    Ponta July 24, 2021 7:31 am

    I wish they would explain Mitchy's power

    Minuet July 24, 2021 9:23 am
    I wish they would explain Mitchy's power Ponta

    I understand the wanting to know but I think it’s good they don’t focus on it because then it would be all about his power instead his character traits and the willingness to never give up and fight to save his friends.