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Am I the only one that noticed?

randomhoe July 23, 2021 1:47 am

Yoon basically raped Jung on their first time right??? Jung said that he remembered Yoon giving him more drugs at their drug party and having sex with him. If Jung never consented to being given ecstasy and having sex beforehand then Yoon raped him...

    Fujoshi-san July 23, 2021 1:52 am

    I think so.... 50/50 HAHAHAHA

    Fujoshi-san July 23, 2021 1:53 am

    Yoon didn't know that Jaehan already took the ecstasy so... I'm not sure if Jaehan would have punch the shit out of Yoon if he touched his hole.
    But I'm not 100% sure if Jaehan would be a bottom for his first love. Isn't he already attracted to Yoon?

    packgoat July 23, 2021 1:56 am

    was it implied??? i didn't read the novel so i assumed Jaehan was just too high to remember

    randomhoe July 23, 2021 2:21 am
    was it implied??? i didn't read the novel so i assumed Jaehan was just too high to remember packgoat

    It's also implied at the start of the manhwa here: and at the start of ch 3

    plinky25 July 23, 2021 5:24 am

    That’s true but weren’t they both high on drugs and they both weren’t in their right minds? Would that be a two-way rape? Cause I know there’s people who think anyone who has sex with a drunk person (even if the drunk person initiated it) would consider it rape- but like what if both were drunk, would they both have been raped? it’s a similar type of thought.

    packgoat July 23, 2021 5:52 am
    That’s true but weren’t they both high on drugs and they both weren’t in their right minds? Would that be a two-way rape? Cause I know there’s people who think anyone who has sex with a drunk person (ev... plinky25

    true, i was thinking along the same lines. but i guess it makes sense to put more responsibility on Heegyeom since he almost made Jaehan overdose on ecstasy that he even had memory loss on what they did in bed