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Uncomfortable but necessary scene

celebrian July 23, 2021 4:15 am

I think this is the trigger that will really change the dynamics in their relationship.

From what we have seen so far, Beom’s distrust towards people in general is too deep rooted to be swayed by simple but sweet acts from Dowon.

And it’s hard to save a “damsel” in distress when the “damsel” is so much stronger.

So I think what the author is doing is try to create a situation where Beom is really helpless and scared and Dowon shows up and shows that he’s different from the rest of the jerks that Beom has the misfortune to meet.

In essence, Dowon will finally get his hero’s moment. *clap clap

I think this will really create a turning point in the story and the progress of their relationship. Once Beom starts to trust Dowon, the healing will start

At the same time, Dowon, who has been wondering why Beom is the way he is, will know who is the culprit (and criminal) who turned him this way. And being the smart dude that he is with an equally smart prosecutor brother (I don’t think it’s a coincidence for his hottie bro to be in the legal field) I expect him to come up with a very satisfactory legal punishment after he’s done avenging Beom (like breaking an arm, a leg or a dick; or maybe all 3)

So I think the wall scene is here to help move the story along and increase the hatred readers have towards the glasses old man. And contrast it against Dowon, who loves and cares about Beom and his well-being and is able to get over his lust and save him despite being drunk (which is what I think is gonna happen).

I mean, the man is already aware of his feelings like 2-3 chapters ago. Why would the author have the “so this is love” scenes and then have him behave like an animal?

If anything, I think it’s well placed and portrayed for what I think is its intended purpose. So I don’t think Beom will get into any real danger.

And I think something drastic like this will also get Beom to realise that he really needs to get away from the glasses old man or his life will really get ruined.

So yeah, it’s drastic. But the control glasses old man has on Beom is so strong that Beom is unlikely to muster the courage and willpower to WANT to get away from it unless there’s a drastic trigger like this.

And with the v resourceful Dowon by his side showering him with the love, care and encouragement that he needs, I think it will be a sweet, sexy and healing journey to the end!

So calm down people. Let’s have faith in Dowon and the power of his love. May its power defeat alcohol, glasses old man and the stone wall in Forest Park.
