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I feel sad and pity for all the 4 characters.... It's too painful to love someone for 10 y...

lizee_anime July 22, 2021 8:28 pm

I feel sad and pity for all the 4 characters.... It's too painful to love someone for 10 years and being told in the end that he didn't love Youngwoo at all even for a little bit.

Taejoo loving Yoon even until now but can't have him anymore coz Yoon has truly moved on. It's hard seeing the person you love in your entire life falling for someone else.

Kwon who doesn't know how to truly love someone in his life has finally fallen in love but didn't know how to express/keep Yoon by his side. Instead he is letting his ego to lead the way and hurting both him and Yoon in the process.

Of course, Yoon... my baby Yoon has been hurting since the beginning of the story. Losing someone you loved for a long time, seeing him already with someone else, being rejected by Taejoo. He was even treated by Youngwoo as a home wrecker. He feels like it would be better to not come back since everyone seems to moved on. Then, it seems Yoon has found someone to love but Kwon has been too slow to realized his love for him. In return, hurting Yoon and his already battered heart.

    Addicted to yaoi July 22, 2021 9:26 pm

    Yeah that's what i thought too

    Elijah July 23, 2021 6:38 am

    I agree with you except i don't feel bad for youngwoo. The extent to which you continue to engage in a behavior that is toxic is your choice. Had he not done all the really messed up shit, I would feel for him, but what he did as a result of his so called love is horrible. Imagine being made to believe you raped someone that you care about? It might be painful to love someone for that long, but I think it would be much more painful to have them out of a lie and guilt. He knew how they got into the relationship, so I cannot for the life of me understand what he expected.