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If you're only here for Kangwoo skip to chapter 51

TimeLost648 July 22, 2021 12:04 pm

I read up to chapter 32 and couldn't take it anymore. I only cared about Kangwoo really so I went to the comments and found out the good chapters for him start on chapter 51 but he only gets 9 chapters of happiness and then it goes back to the main couple.

I honestly tried to give the main couple a chance, but it was just too much. The uke (Jeungeon)was doubting himself and the seme (black haired guy Ahn) was just really mean like after he (SPOILERS)

decided to tell Jeungeon to suck his dick to make up for trying to help his ex with something important I could no longer hope for them to be a good couple

After that I couldn't hope for them to be non toxic. There are a lot of red flags between them before that, but that was just it for me. The story mostly before that was the typical rape sex they implement in all yoai to pass for romance (which is really tiring, only guyxguy story I've found that doesn't have rape sex is Man in the Mirror which is so pure and I love so if anyone knows anything similar I'd appreciate some recommendations) and the frustrating kind of drama that can be solved with a proper conversation. I mainly stuck with the main story because in the beginning we were getting scenes with Kangwoo about his realizations and growth on his own and I was invested in that. It dies down a lot though so I just skipped through because I already figured he'd get with someone else.

The one thing that upsets me the most though, is this idea that everyone has in the story that Kangwoo didn't love Jeungeon enough. It's assumed that he didn't love him and he's accused of not loving him, but honestly people show love in different ways. His love language was just different from Jeungeon but rather than discuss that and work it out, he came to the conclusion that Kangwoo never loved him and only stuck around as an obligation to their friendship. Their breakup in the beginning just broke my heart, because the reasons Jeungeon gave and his actions to drive Kangwoo away instead of talking to him just hurt Kangwoo so much, yet Jeungeon is over here complaining about how much HE hurts for hurting Kangwoo like bitch please. Lots of people in the comments say he victimised himself, and that is honestly the best way to put it. At the end of the day, Jeungeon wasn't trying to resolve any problems with his partners, he was just wallowing in them. He didn't speak up about how he was feeling or mention what he felt he needed. Literally most things stayed in his thoughts and it's frustrating because how is anyone supposed to know he was unhappy or discontent if he never said anything? Instead he paints it like they're all in the wrong for not reading his mind and I just could not.

If you read and enjoyed kudos to you. Maybe it was for the art, which I totally get because it's beautiful and it's why I came here in the first place, but I honestly hope that people are aware these relationships aren't necessarily good. Then again, maybe I'm wrong and they get better, but from what I saw, it's not really healthy.

    Choke_me_senpei July 22, 2021 9:04 pm