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UNACCEPTABLE (in lemongrab voice)

MIA July 22, 2021 10:22 am

No consent, No safe word the dude was basically rape trained into it.
I mean he was heartbroken he was at his lowest state so of course any type of comfort would be ok by him. And he doesn't look like he enjoys the play at all... Sad he looks like he enjoyed the kisses and hugs but nothing beyond that

    SkilletBabe November 29, 2023 2:26 pm

    In the first chapter he did give consent. He was drunk but he did. After that he did give consent… I agree no safe words are bad but he did say “you can just walk about of the room” so I guessing if he could leave he wouldn’t force him to stay

    sen December 30, 2023 4:35 pm
    In the first chapter he did give consent. He was drunk but he did. After that he did give consent… I agree no safe words are bad but he did say “you can just walk about of the room” so I guessing if he co... SkilletBabe

    Did no one teach you that drunk consent is not consent?

    Himemeow March 10, 2024 5:38 pm
    In the first chapter he did give consent. He was drunk but he did. After that he did give consent… I agree no safe words are bad but he did say “you can just walk about of the room” so I guessing if he co... SkilletBabe

    that's not consent lol