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I’m on ch. 100 but I can’t help to feel bad for the Professor.

Hillary800 July 22, 2021 7:39 am

We saw glimpses of his past and how he worked extremely hard in order to become a doctor. At the time he was considered a genius before Elise, but he was at an unfair advantage. Don’t get me wrong it was no walk in the park to get where Elise is as a doctor, but she has the training and knowledge of techniques made in the future. This also makes me wonder how much of the future she has changed. She has advanced the medical field heavily by bringing her knowledge. Anyways, back to the professor, he is in Elise’s shadow constantly. It is true he has gotten more opportunities due to her, but he has no one to acknowledge his accomplishments due to everyone being focused on the accomplishments of Elise. Also doesn’t this mean she is now recognized as the creator of many new techniques? She technically has now taken credit for achievements that it took many others years of studying and hypothesizing to create. Just a thought.

    Black death July 22, 2021 1:28 pm

    Come on you can't say that...even it is modern age but it is in another dimension... Coze elise already said that the world she came from (first modern world) is not same....
    And people were dying because various diseases at that time and she have the knowledge that can save them....its not like she used the knowledge to hurt others...and she continuously work hard for the people....

    Ittybittytitty July 22, 2021 1:47 pm
    Come on you can't say that...even it is modern age but it is in another dimension... Coze elise already said that the world she came from (first modern world) is not same....And people were dying because variou... Black death

    Ahhhhh I didn’t catch on to the fact that it was another dimension, and yeah she can’t keep the knowledge to herself, but I still feel bad for the others