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AyukiOnna October 12, 2016 10:15 pm

I don't see this mentioned anywhere in the description so I don't know if you're aware of this, but this is actually a remake of a really popular French series. I strongly suggest checking out the original version if you like this (don't know how easy to find in english and potentially expensive it would be though =_=). It started running in the 90s, it's got tons of volumes and a bunch of spin-offs.

    Ilya May 16, 2017 4:59 pm

    I also advise people to read the french series, they are awesome, be it the story or the drawings !! After reading this manga adaptation, I feel that the original comedy of the story is missing as well as the explainations about the universe they're living in... I'm French myself (I apologize if my english is weird) and I was really glad when I saw that the story was made into a manga, but honestly I'm quite disappointed, it feels like an american webtoon artist who is a fan of mangas found a french comic laying around and decided to try to reproduce it and then dropped it in the middle of the serialization... Though it was a good idea, it doesn't mesure up to the original series which is a lot longer and with a lot of spinoffs that are totally worth your time! Therefore my advice to read the originals ;)