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This manga really hits me so hard when it comes to my conscience LOL

미아 July 22, 2021 6:52 am

Murder truly is murder whatever you may think about it. But the brother was a r/pist, that’s more reason to wish someone death. Especially if it is very possible that they have done it multiple times. Trauma is never an excuse, I would have also retaliated against someone who tried to do the deed in front of me without any consent from the woman they are doing it to. Out of self defense, I would have also harmed them and even possibly to the point of death because I would have died instead. Honestly, it’s a matter of perspective. Especially coming from me, who have experienced near r/pe incidents as well as witnessed the news of countless women who have experienced it and either lived or died. Would I have wished them death if I saw their faces on the news? Yes.
