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Kunici July 21, 2021 4:26 pm

After reading this story i have a lot of theory/question on how this story goes on

First, why the yujin here also has feelings to the young master(if you didn't get why i said this because yujin unconsciously kiss the young master and also think of him when he has having fun with that step mother)
Second, where's is the fucking grandpa well just think if you have a grandson who was the “young master" who was been labeled as madman or crazy you should worry right and

    Kunici July 21, 2021 4:30 pm

    did the father die? where he is?

    also i think there's something going on with the butler this is only my thought but i think he is the one who kill the maid i think he also like the young master to do those things to yujin cause i think he knows that the young master love yujin

    that's it i just want to state my thoughts

    Kunici July 21, 2021 4:33 pm
    did the father die? where he is?also i think there's something going on with the butler this is only my thought but i think he is the one who kill the maid i think he also like the young master to do those thin... Kunici

    also i forgot to mention i think the yujin(forget his name already HAHAHHA